LED Lighting for Commercial and Industrial Facilities

If you've not switched...do it immediately Manufacturing, Warehouses, Offices & Retail Facilities

It's a FACT:

If your business is still using inefficient metal halide, fluorescent and other outdated incandescent lighting....you're paying 3 to 4 times more for electricity than what you need to.

You can stop that wasted spend and have all that money go to your bottom line by simply changing to LED Lighting Technology.

Benefits of LED Lighting Retrofits?

  • Lighting and energy savings of 50-85%.
  • Added energy savings for HVAC.
  • Reduction in labor & material costs.
  • Great warranties on LED products.
  • Government Rebates & EPA Tax Deductions
  • Substantial increased lighting levels, quality & consistency.

​​The longer you wait, the more you needlessly pay extra for lighting...month after month, year after year.

Start saving 50% to 85% on illumination electric power costs. And, exponentially reduce your maintenance expenses.

Switch to LED Lighting Technology Today.

Do this now....it's FREE. No Obligation

Doesn't it make smart business sense to at least find out how much money you can save and what your cost recovery time will be if you switch to LED Lighting.

Let JS Chase Group give you a comprehensive evaluation report so you have something to react to in order to make an informed decision.

Here's what we do:

  • Inventory all of your existing lighting.
  • Take light meter readings in all critical work areas.
  • Measure all various heights for your lighting.
  • Take square foot measurements for lighting diagrams.
  • Run all data through DOE approved software.
  • Produce comprehensive ROI evaluation report.
  • Generate photometric reports
  • Generate comprehensive financial cash flow report.

Get Cash to help pay for everything

We'll even show you all the subsidy cash and tax deductions that can exponentially lower the cost of your LED lighting project:

  • Federal Deductions: Tax Code 179
  • Federal Deductions: EPAct 179D Energy
  • Federal Grant Funds: REAP
  • Available Rebates: Power Companies.

Top Reasons you need to switch to LED Lighting

LED Lighting last incredibly longer:

LED's can last for over 100,000 hours without showing their age (that's over eleven years at full brightness). This lifespan is triple that of typical fluorescent bulbs and twenty times longer than incandescent light bulbs.

LED lighting is way more energy efficient:

​Incandescent lighting uses 80% of its energy creating heat, while only 20% is actually producing light. LED lights are just the opposite, giving up 20% of their energy to heat, and 80% used to actually create light. Not only that, but LED operates at 10 to 20% of the power consumption that's required to lamp-up incandescent lights of similar brightness.

LED lighting works in silence:

With LED lighting there's no ballast required. You’ll never have to hear that annoying buzzing sound again from a ballast gone bad, which can be extremely disruptive, especially in your office environment.

LED lighting is very safe:

With so little energy lost to heat and so little energy used overall, LED lighting runs cool, which means no burnt fingers or increased risk of fire hazards. They are extremely durable thanks to their solid-state construction, so there's no broken glass to deal with.

LED lighting is focused and directional:

360 degree fluorescent tubes and metal halide bulbs displace lighting in a random fashion. In fact, nearly 20 to 30% of their lumens are wasted bouncing around inside the fixture and not hitting your lighting target. LED lighting is completely directional, meaning every lumen emitted is all downlight, hitting the target that’s intended to be illuminated.

LED lighting is “Instant On”:

​LED lighting comes on to full brightness in microseconds. Compare that to the strike time for Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium bulbs which may take 10 to 15 minutes to come on. Large warehouses using Metal Halide lighting can’t take advantage of occupancy sensors because of this long delay in coming to full brightness. LED Lighting allows you to use occupancy sensor technology to further reduce your energy consumption.

LED lighting is Eco-Friendly:

Today, companies have mandates to become more green sustainable and eco-friendly. LED lighting products contain no mercury or hazardous gases that are harmful to our environment. Plus, LED lighting products are 98% recyclable, substantially reducing landfill waste.